Add a member to the family tree

Learn how to add a member to your family tree.

1. In your space, navigate to the menu on the top and click on Family Tree.

2. Click on the + button located in the right hand corner.

3. If the person you wish to include is already a registered user on the platform, simply click on Search User. Then, select the member you want to add to your family tree.

Note: By selecting the option to Add Non-User as a Family Member, you can include individuals who are not registered on the platform, such as a newborn or an ancestor.

4. Fill out some life event information about this member & click on Save. 

Caution: To ensure the correct placement of the member in the family tree, remember to include the parents of the member.

5. Once added to your family tree, you will see the member displayed under his/her parents if you have included them in the tree.