Change your email

Use your email address for logging in and receiving important notifications. Make sure to keep it up to date!

  1. Click on your name in the lower left-hand corner of the menu bar
  2. Click on My settings
    Guidelines Govity Helpcenter (75)
  3. Click the section Account and then on + Add Email
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  4. Enter your new email address in the Email field then click Add Email to save your changes
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  5. Check for the confirmation email in your new email inbox with the subject line Email Verification. Open the email, then click Verify email address.
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  6. Once that is completed, you have the option to switch the new email to be your primary email.
    Guidelines Govity Helpcenter (78)

Reminder: You can only login with one email at any given time. So set whichever email you plan to log in with as your primary email.