Request a Digital Signature

Digital signatures ensure the authenticity and integrity of the documents. They are based on cryptographic principles and offer more security compared to handwritten signatures

  1. Navigate to or add the document you want to be signed.
  2. Click on the three horizontal dots icon at the right hand top corner.
  3. From the drop-down menu, select Request Signatures
    Guidelines Govity Helpcenter (16)-1
  4. A sidebar will appear on the left, where you can add signers:
    • In a Space, add any member(s) of that Space
    • In a Vault, add any owner(s)/member(s) of that Vault

Guidelines Govity Helpcenter (17)-1

5.     After selecting signers, add labels and fields to the document:

    • Labels: Pre-created or custom labels with personalised content.
    • Fields: Signature, initials, text input field, auto-generating signing date, etc.
      Guidelines Govity Helpcenter (18)-1

Note: Signature Input is mandatory to proceed with the signing process

Note: Elements for different signers are colour-coded for identification.

5.    Finalise the Signature request by including a message for the signers.

6.    Click on Request signature
Signers will receive an in-app, email, and mobile notification (if enabled).

Guidelines Govity Helpcenter (19)-1

  1. Enhanced Security: Digital signatures use encryption to guarantee that the signed document hasn't been altered and that the signer's identity is verified.
  2. Time-Efficient: No more printing, scanning, or shipping. Digital signatures can be applied instantly, saving your precious time.

You've been requested to sign a document?
Here's how to Answer a request for Digital Signature