Easily share your announcement in more than one Space so more people can engage with it. The more the merrier!
- Click the + plus button next to Announcements in order to create your post.
- Choose the primary space where you want to the announcement shared, and then select Next.
- Write your message and format as desired, then select Create to post. In the pop-up window, you will have the option to disable comments / reactions if desired and to force through a notification, if you are worried anyone might miss it. After you have made your selection, click Publish.
- In the published announcement, click on the three dots "..." button in the upper right hand corner for more options. Then select Share in other Spaces.
- From there, you can check off which other Spaces you want the announcement shared in. After your selection is made, select the share button in the lower right hand corner to share with the desired other spaces.
- You can double check which spaces your announcement was shared in by clicking on the "+#" plus & number button at the top of your announcement.