Smart web resources to enrich your newsletter


A database of beautiful, high-res, free photos for creative use. No awkward office stock photos.

Free stock photos (and videos), all in one place.

Access a library of GIF or easily create your own. Because they are so light, integrating GIFs in your newsletter is a great way to make it more dynamic and fun. 


Building a visual language of icons anyone can understand, this is a massive searchable database of glyph icons created by a community of designers. 

Another hefty collection of free icons available in SVG, PSD, PNG, EPS and BASE 64 formats.

Fun free icons by first-class designers.



Canva's drag-and-drop feature will allow you to easily design, share and integrate all type of content for your newsletter: email banners, invitations, signatures, infographics, etc. or you can just take your pic in their library of layouts and templates.  

Your photos, on a diet. Reduce image size by up to 80%, without compromising quality.


Learn how to customise Material Design to change the look and feel of your UI, expressing brand and style through elements like colour, shape, typography, etc. You will find great directions from how to match colours to the perfect button size. ​