Create a new Organization Vault

Organization Vaults are either shared or individual vaults that are managed by a Vault Management Group. You must be a Vault Manager to create a new Organization Vault.

1. Scroll to the bottom of the menu on the left hand side of the platform and select Vault manager.


2. Next, click on the blue plus (+) button in the upper right hand corner of the screen.

3183. Type a name for your new organization vault.


4. Add a single member (for an individual organization vault) or multiple members (for a shared organization vault). Note that you can only add up to 16 members, if it is more people than this then you will need to create a new space instead.



5. Assign a Vault Management Group to manage the distribution of information to the members of the organization vault. You can only choose from Vault Management Groups which you are a part of.



6. Finally, click Create and you will have successfully created a new Organization Vault and can view it within the overall management window of Organization Vaults, organized underneath the controlling management group.




Organization vaults are a great way for Vault managers (such as family office admins, accountants, or legal teams) to store and send information to an individual or a small group of people.  Examples include legal sharing estate planning documents with a married couple or family office administrators sending K-1s or quarterly distributions to certain individuals.

For a completely private space viewable only by the individual user, please see how to activate Private Vaults.