Access and understand the platform's statistics

Understand the platform statistics

The platform's statistics allow you to find out about your members behaviour on the platform, what works or who has seen that one important document through in-depth statistics. 

The data is divided in different categories:

    • Traffic Summary: unique users (how many users signed-in the platform) and unique visits.
    • Member Statistics: number of registered members, family tree members and alive or deceased members. 
    • Sign-ins Statistics: number of successful sign-ins, failed sign-ins and total of sign-ins attempts
    • User Engagement: Ranking of users by several engagement metrics for the current period. You can see the top user per engagement metric by clicking on the metric name. Click on the user name to see the profile. Users that can't be accessed by you will be shown as "Restricted".
    • Content Engagement: ranking of content by several engagement metrics for the current period. You can see the top content per engagement metric by clicking on the metric name. Content that can't be accessed by you will be shown as "Restricted".
Important: Restricted Items in Statistics: When reviewing statistics, sometimes you will find a “restricted” item which could be there for a number of reasons. If the item is under Content, it could be that the item has since been deleted or you do not have permission to view that item. If you find it under Users, the person could have a private profile, a profile that has been deleted, or does not share a group with you which means that you will not be able to engage with them or have visibility to their profile or activities.


Access the platform statistics 

  1. On the newsfeed click on the 'Admin' tab at the bottom of the side menu
  2. Select the 'Statistics' tab