Modify the invitation email

You’re able to modify the invitation email that members receive when you send them an invitation to join the platform. Bonus: template provided at the bottom! 

How to Modify this Template

  1. Go to the Admin tab of the platform located under the Apps menu.
  2. Make sure you are under Network Administration, if it doesn’t appear by default, select Go to… to find it.
  3. Under the Email templates tab, click the dropdown arrow and select Edit invitation email.
  4. On the upper righthand corner of the page, select the Edit button to modify the email template.
Tip: Sending an introductory message to your soon-to-be members is very helpful. It lets your users know what is coming and how. It lets them know what they should do and what they should not do ! It is also a good idea to explain why the platform has been set-up. 

Get started by incorporating your own language to this template

"We are excited to invite you to join our new Family Communication Platform!

It will enable you to access important information about our family including upcoming meetings and events. It also enables you to share back with the family photos, news and documents of interest. It also has an up to date directory of all family members, a live and interactive family tree, a private messaging system, a calendar with all the upcoming events and meetings.

Click on the Sign up now button to register your account.

The Family Council"