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  2. Getting Started
  3. Understand roles & permissions

Roles on the platform

Administrative roles

Network Admin
Every platform should have a single Network Admin who holds the highest level of permissions:

    • Create parent groups
    • Add widgets to the default "All Groups" home page
    • Change the name displayed on the platform, as well as in emails and notifications
    • View platform usage Statistics 
    • Get notifications:
      1. When a password reset is blocked after the maximum number of attempts exceeds [You can unblock their account from the Admin tab of their profile]
      2. When a new member invitation is created, requesting them to join the platform 
      3. When a member accepts an invitation to join the platform 
    • Modify the Invitation Email you send members to join the platform
    • Modify the Welcome email members receive when they register their account

    Please note that Network Admins cannot view documents, groups, events or other content on the platform unless they have been given express access by the creator. Network admin access does not override the rules of permissions.

    Change others email
    This permission grants you the ability to initiate a change email request for other members

    Parent Group Admin 
    Each group should have at least one dedicated Admin:
    • Create member profiles and send platform invitations to their group
    • Manage content, members and permissions inside the group
    • Create sub-groups under the group they manage

    Sub-group Admin 
    Each sub-group should have at least one dedicated Admin:

    • Manage content, members and permissions inside the group

      Non-administrative roles


      • Upload content
      • Send/receive messages
      • Create events
      • Create Surveys
      • Comment on content
        *when comments enabled 


      The Member role in this context is best suited for those that are meant to be viewers of content but not contributors, ask your CSM to enable Members for you as it's not available by default.  You can choose this type of access for each person per group. (e.g. someone can be a Publisher in one group and a Member in another)

      • Comment on content, requires approval to be posted 
        *when comments enabled
      • Send/receive messages

      Invited members

      Invited members have been invited to your platform, but have not accepted their invitation. They can be added to groups and sent messages — and receive email notifications for those messages