Here's your guide to understand the different roles & access levels on the platform
The platform features four primary roles: Organisation Owners, Space Owners, Vault Managers and Members. In this article, we will explore each of these roles in detail.
1. Organisation owner
The Organisation Owners have the most control over the platform structure, design, and added features. In the bottom left corner, they are the only ones able to see the Member Directory, the Organisation Settings and the Statistics.
1.1 Members Directory
The members directory gives the Organisation Owners a global view of all the users of the platform. It allows them to filter members by status, role, space etc. to analyze different segments of their audience.
1.2 Organisation settings
- Name and appearance: Define the platform name and Icon
- Access and roles: Invite new members to join
- Member settings: configure the fields of information on the members profiles
- Spaces: Create new spaces
- Themes: Change the design of the platform (Header + color)
- Password and Authentication: Configure the 2-factor authentication rules
- Logs and activity: Keep track of platform activity
- Plans and billing: Coming soon
- Security and data: Activate Vaults features
- Restore and purge: Coming soon
- Advanced settings: Activate extra features (ex: Birthday widget)
1.3 Statistics
Click here for a complete overview of the Platform Statistics.
2. Space Owners
Space Owners have full control over a specific Space. Space settings can be accessed via the settings wheel in the top right of a space.
- Name and appearance: Change the color and name of the space
- Access and roles: Decide who gets access to the space
- Member settings: Configure space-specific information fields for the members' profiles
- Modules: Configure rights and permissions for each module + activate extra modules (like the family tree)
- Logs and Activity: Keep track of space activity
- More: Delete the space (warning - this action is permanent)
3. Members
Members can access all (and only!) the Spaces they are granted access to.
Moreover, all members will have access to their personal tools in the top section of the menu bar:
- Home: Return to the platform homepage
- Notifications: Review new and old notifications
- Chat: Send messages to Spaces they belong to, events they're invited to, or direct messages to other members
- Calendar: See all events they've been invited to
- To do: Check out assigned action items
- Vaults: (if activated): View content of organization Vaults that have been distributed by others (and download if allowed)
- My Private Vault: (if activated): Add, edit, remove personal content for the user's own private vault. No one else can access a members Private Vault besides themselves.
4. Vault Managers
Vault Managers have the ability to add content exclusively to the organization vaults of members for whom they have been granted access. They can distribute files, add messages, request electronic signatures and more. Here's a dedicated session on How to use the Vaults management system.
Note: Some specific permissions can be granted to regular members granularly via space settings (ex: creating events, uploading content, making announcements, etc.).